Local installation

Run pATLAS locally

You can run pATLAS locally without much requirements by using patlas-compose. This will automatically handle the installation of the version 1.5.2 of pATLAS and launch the service in a local instance. For that you just require:

Then, follow this simple steps:

git clone https://github.com/bfrgoncalves/patlas-compose
  • Enter the patlas-compose folder

cd patlas-compose
  • Launch the compose:

docker-compose up
  • Wait for the line * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit) to show up, meaning that the service is now running.

  • Access on or

From scratch (alternatively)

pATLAS can be run locally if you have PostgreSQL installed and configured. After, you just need to:

1) Clone this repository:

git clone https://github.com/tiagofilipe12/pATLAS

2) Create your custom database version or generate the default pATLAS database or download sql file from version 1.6.1 (the tar.gz archive). Note: if you download the sql file from version 1.6.1 you may skip steps 3 to 4 and continue with step 5.

3) Make sure all the necessary files are in place.

  • by default pATLAS generates a import_to_vivagraph.json file in

    the folder <tag_provided_to_o_flag>/results. Place this file in the

    patlas/db_manager/db_app/static/json folder.

  • change session to read the new import_to_vivagraph.json file by

    changing from false to true a variable named devel in


4) Create the database that the front end will run:

createdb <your_database>

5) load the generated sql file

6) Install backend dependencies:

# within the root directory of this repository
pip install -r requirements.txt

7) Install frontend dependencies:

# change directory to static direcoty where `index.html` will look for
# its depdendenies
cd patlas/db_manager/db_app/static/
# then install them (package.json is located in this directory)
yarn install

8) Compile node modules so that the html can understand, using webpack:

# You can also user a local installation of webpack.
# entry-point.js is the config file where all the imported modules are
# called
node_modules/webpack/bin/webpack.js entry-point.js

9) Then execute the script run.py.

# within the root directory of this repository
cd patlas/db_manager
./run.py <your_database>

Note: the database name is utterly important to properly say to the frontend where to get the data.

10) Go to

Optimization of the resources usage by the web page

Using the devel = true isn't very efficient, so you can allow the force directed graph to render in a devel = true session, then when you are satisfied pause the force layout using the buttons available in pATLAS and click at the same time Shift+Ctrl+Space. This will take a while but eventually it will generate a file named filtered.json. Once you have this file you can add it to the patlas/db_manager/db_app/static/json folder and change the devel variable to false. This will use the previously saved positions to render a pre rendered network.

Last updated